Projective General Productions and Anodos Foundation present the Arthur M. Young teaching videos. Recorded in 1983, and now made freely available for anyone who desires to study the Theory of Process in detail.
Arthur M. Young Videos
This section contains various Teaching Videos as well as interviews from Thinking Allowed, Beyond Science and The Yoga of Thinking Video Archive. This is an immediate and exciting way to see Arthur Young explaining his ideas in his own words. For more videos you can also visit the Arthur M. Young YouTube Channel.
Thinking Allowed Interviews – Hosted by Jeffrey Mishlove
The Thinking Allowed series aired on as many as 120 public TV stations in the US and Canada for more than 18 years. Host Jeffrey Mishlove conducted several interviews with Arthur M. Young.
Beyond Science Interview Series
Beyond Science is a highly acclaimed, entertaining yet challenging series of discussions on issues in consciousness, evolution, metaphysics and the philosophy of science. The series features Arthur M. Young.
Yoga of Thinking – Discussion with Arthur Bloch
Arthur M. Young discusses various topics with Arthur Bloch. A wide-ranging, very casual and unedited interview. Recorded January 14, 1983.
Yoga of Thinking – Theory of Process Seminar, Day One
The Theory of Process Seminar, Day One with Arthur M. Young consists of 33 video clips, of which the most interesting ones have been starred and marked in orange. Recorded December 13, 1980.
Yoga of Thinking – Theory of Process Seminar, Day Two
The Theory of Process Seminar, Day Two with Arthur M. Young consists of 52 video clips, of which the most interesting ones have been starred and marked in orange. Recorded December 14, 1980.
Yoga of Thinking – “Window Behind” interview
The “Window Behind” interview with Arthur M. Young consists of 29 video clips, of which the most interesting ones have been starred and marked in orange. Recorded November 6, 1982.
Yoga of Thinking – “Books Behind” interview
The “Books Behind” interview with Arthur M. Young consists of 21 video clips, of which the most interesting ones have been starred and marked in orange. Recorded December 12, 1982.
Yoga of Thinking – “Helicopter” interview with rug
The “Helicopter” interview with Arthur M. Young consists of 10 video clips, of which the most interesting ones have been starred and marked in orange. Recorded February 14, 1980.
Yoga of Thinking – “Striped Shirt” interview
The “Striped Shirt” interview with Arthur M. Young consists of 20 video clips, of which the most interesting ones have been starred and marked in orange. Recorded January 22, 1980.
Yoga of Thinking – “Red Scarf” interview
The “Red Scarf” interview consists of 11 video clips, of which the most interesting ones have been starred and marked in orange. Recorded January 13, 1983.
Yoga of Thinking – Discussion with Dick Curtis and Jack Saloma
Arthur M. Young discusses various topics with Dick Curtis and Jack Saloma. This interview consists of 13 video clips, of which the most interesting ones have been starred and marked in orange. Recorded January 22, 1980.
Institute for the Study of Consciousness – Discussions
Three wide ranging discussions between Arthur M. Young and guests were recorded in 1980 at the Institute for the Study of Consciousness in Berkeley, California.