It is characteristic of modern sophistication to regard the notion of God as anthropomorphic…
Essays by Arthur M. Young
This section contains a number of unpublished or hard to find essays and other short works. Arthur Young did all of his writing – letters, essays, poetry, articles, and books – in unlined, 300 page journals. This section will be expanded as more entries from these journals are transcribed.
Comments on Science
With the theory of process it is necessary to make what amounts to a complete inversion of the scientific approach…
Astrology as Cosmology
We have indicated how the last stages of evolution transcend the capacity of self-development which is so necessary for the learning process…
Extending the Vocabulary of Science
Science was defined by Eddington as the study of the relationship structure of the universe…
Three Kinds of Time
As I’ve said before, the use of progressions in astrology involves two more kinds of time, possibly three, in addition to the kind of time already known…
Has There Ever Been a Paradigm Shift?
Thomas Kuhn gave us an interesting and provocative book in his Nature of Scientific Revolutions…
The Four Levels of Process
I would like to make a brief description of one of the basic ideas on which the theory of process is based.
Constraint and Freedom – An Ontology Based on the Study of Dimensions
Are there two worlds, an ideal world of mathematical relationship and a “real” world of actual objects…?
Science, Spirit and the Soul
Current science is extremely bold when it comes to saying what happened nanoseconds after the Big Bang. But science doesn’t explain consciousness…
Thoughts on a Science of Life Part V: Light into Life
In reviewing Eddington I recall my first reading of his discussion of how the photon, arriving at its target…
Thoughts on a Science of Life Part IV: Free Will
I have always appreciated the admission of indeterminacy in physics, but have deplored the effort to switch from total belief in determinism to a total belief in probability…
Thoughts on a Science of Life Part III: On the Value of Astrology for a Science of Life
Since there is no way known to science by which the planets could influence human events, it is natural that scientists have rejected astrology…
Thoughts on a Science of Life Part II: Discovering Three Dimensions of Time
What’s wrong with the Theory of Process described in The Reflexive Universe…?
Thoughts on a Science of Life Part I: Science and the Death Wish
The great venture of the last 400 years has been science, and while science has always been slow to accept new discoveries or other contributions, it seems especially reluctant now…
Fear of the Unknown
At a talk on flying saucers which we attended here in Berkeley, the speaker devoted the greater part of his time to government suppression of public access to information…
Bridging the Gap
One night I saw a TV program, Einstein’s Universe. I turned it on because it was narrated by Peter Ustinov, whom I admire, even though I’m tired of Einstein’s universe…