How one approaches the study of Young’s theory will depend on one’s predilections; for the more scientific and analytically minded, certain essays and books will appeal more than others. For those who are disinclined to the formal, analytic approach, other papers, videos and books will be more to your liking.


Arthur Young TV

The The Yoga of Thinking Video Archive includes free, online streaming video excerpts from previously unreleased Arthur Young interviews, seminars and teaching videos. It is an immediate and exciting way to see Arthur Young explaining his ideas in his own words.


Arthur Young’s books can now be ordered from Anodos Foundation through Amazon.


Arthur Young Desk

The essays section contains a number of unpublished or hard to find essays and other short works. Arthur Young did all of his writing – letters, essays, poetry, articles, and books – in unlined, 300 page journals. This section will be expanded as more entries from these journals are transcribed.