by Stan Tenen
It is fair to say that Meru Foundation’s re-discoveries of the self-organizing and universal properties of the western sacred alphabets, Hebrew, Greek and Arabic, rest primarily on the shoulders of three giants: the Kabbalah, solid geometry, and the works of Arthur M. Young.
Not only did Arthur’s ideas support our work, but most of our videotaped lectures were held at The Institute for the Study of Consciousness in Berkeley, and on occasions too numerous to mention, it was Arthur and Ruth Young personally who saw to the survival of our research effort.
When viewed in the light of Arthur Young’s Theory of Process, traditional kabbalistic teachings take on a new, more genuine and more profound meaning. Instead of legends, we see a true science of consciousness preserved for us in sacred texts of the western faiths. While it took many years to see how Arthur Young’s investigations of toriodal process might relate to traditional teachings in sacred geometry, eventually the link became clear. All stages in Arthur’s cycle of meaning, position-velocity-acceleration-control, hinge on the presumption of the choice of will of an individual consciousness. Arthur’s discussions of consciousness all presume willful choice, as the mark of their independence. It is because of the inherent unpredictability of the direction and velocity of a quantum of action that Arthur is able to identify this as a unit of consciousness also.
Meru Foundation has found that the letters of the Hebrew (and likely Greek and Arabic) alphabet are all formed from different views of a idealized model human hand. Each gesture displays a different view of the model hand when it is held in the hand – and these different views include immediately identifiable outlines of the Hebrew letters. Why?
The Hebrew letters are said to connect our inner wisdom with our outer knowledge of the world. We can easily see our hands, and what our hands hold, in our mind’s eye. So our hands bring the external physical world into our personal inner world. They also are our primary instrument for expressing our personal conscious will in the consensus physical reality. Each pointing of our hands projects a quantum or our consciousness.
Because Arthur Young’s toroidal models of process are so elegant and topologically minimal, they are truly universal. This means that it should be no surprise that the model human hand designed by Meru Foundation, whose two-dimensional outlines look like the Hebrew letters, is actually a clearly defined section of a torus! Likewise, although it might otherwise appear extraordinary, it should also be no surprise to learn that the most compact self-referential geometric form that the letters of the first verse of the Hebrew text of Genesis can take, is also a torus. In fact, this is where the alphabet generating human hand was found.
One way to tell if a work is really important and fundamental is to see how widely it applies. Another indication of the importance of a work is in its ability to lead to the resolution of existing paradox or ambiguity. If these are valid tests, than Meru Foundation’s findings confirm that the work of Arthur Young is a very powerful light. Few would disagree that the Kabbalah and its teachings are paradoxical and ambiguous. Yet, we have found that kabbalistic texts read clearly when they are viewed in the light of the process theory of Arthur Young. Check this out for yourself and let us know what you think. There is more for those who are interested.
Stan Tenen,
Director of Research,
Meru Foundation