The Theory of Process Seminar, Day Two with Arthur M. Young consists of 52 video clips, of which the most interesting ones have been starred and marked in orange. Recorded December 14, 1980.

01. “Now see I’m trying to tease you into this recognition that man is somehow different from animals…” (4:04)

Communication as characteristic of man. The arc as applied to language and communication.
Communication, Arc, Language

02. “This is the distinguishing feature of man…?”

How the distinguishing characteristic of each stage has to evolve through the sub-stages.
Sub-Stages, Man

03. “Let’s go back to what it was like to be second substage human…” (1:40)

The emergence of the principle of identity in man.
Identity, Man, Sub-Stages

04. “Remember the tree? The tree of the knowledge of good and evil…” (3:14)

The development of choice and responsibility in man. We can’t transcend the ego until we’ve developed one. Where modern man resides on the arc.
Man, Responsibility, Free Will, Law, Evolution

05. “I was at one time perturbed that standardized nuts and bolts would eliminate all the creativity…” (1:50)

Standardization can free us to express our creativity in engineering or in language. Law is the basis of invention. The turn in human terms is when you are able to recognize the law and use it.
Creativity, Standardization, Law, The Turn, Man, Evolution

06. “The 3-4-5 triangle is an interaction of powers 3, 4 and 5…” (0:58)

The 3-4-5 triangle – the principle of trial and error in nature and evolution and with the helicopter.
Committees, Arc, The Powers, Stages, Evolution

07. “Now there’s another type of evolution. That’s what I call the 2-4-6 evolution…” (1:46)

The 2-4-6 triangle – the development of instinct through attraction.
Committees, Evolution, Behavior, Arc, The Powers, Stages

08. “The last one is the kind of evolution that makes man distinct from animals…” (0:53)

The 1-4-7 triangle – from light to recognition. The aha experience is light itself.
Committees, Evolution, Man, Light

09. “I didn’t dwell enough on light. I didn’t tell you how spiritual light is…” (4:29)*

Why light is spiritual. Why light is at stage one. It is indivisible – quantized. Everything that happens does so through photons.

Light, Spirit, Photon, Physics, Action, Quanta

10. “How in using the theory could a person look at their life today…” (1:50)

People interested in inquiries such as the theory of process are probably at the 4th stage – the turn.
Man, Responsibility, Free Will, Laws

11. “It begins with purpose…” (4:06)

A summary outline/introduction to the theory of process – the underlying principles, the powers, the stages, the levels, the arc, etc. The asymmetry of the arc. The asymmetry of good and evil as the basis for the asymmetry of time.
Summary, Arc, Stages, The Powers, Asymmetry, Opposites, Time

12. “Arthur, is there any significance that the bottom of the arc is a right angle…?” (1:43)

In theosophy and other occult traditions, the arc is shown as a curve. The right angle is a way of indicating that a definite change, a quantum leap, occurs.
Right Angle, The Turn, Arc

13. “Arthur, the theory seems to divide things up. How do you reconcile this with Buddhism or mysticism or other philosophies that are striving for unity…?” (4:38)*

The egolessness of things and the egolessness of persons. The helicopter as a goal rather than a thing. The ego as a pseudo-separation. The torus as a way to show the connectivity of all things.

Unity, Buddhism, Ego, Torus, Connectedness

14. “You see this torus doesn’t exist altogether right away…” (1:39)*

The development of the principle of identity – point, line, circle. The pseudo-nature of identity. The true center is not the center of the circle, it’s the origin.

Identity, Ego, Self-centeredness, Torus

15. “You draw on geometry very heavily…” (2:14)

Why is the theory based on geometry? Because the theory deals with the analysis of things and is inherently superficial.
Geometry, Analysis, Topology

16. “I haven’t brought this out in seminars – I’ll let you in on a secret…” (3:13)

At the school for self development that I attended in 1945, I was instructed to write prayers. In my dreams I came to the point and asked for the secrets of the universe.
Prayer, Dreams, Right Angle, Unconscious

17. “A few minutes ago you were saying that the arc was found in a lot of different traditions…” (2:15)

The seven stages as correlated with other traditions. Which are the authentic traditions? The difference between process theory and Steiner’s view.
Esotericism, Seven-ness, Steiner

18. “I would say this is the supreme orthodoxy…” (1:11)

The Emerald Tablet, one the first descriptions of first principles, says that the first descent of the Monad is as the point into the line. The spirit into the soul.
Point/Line, Soul, Emerald Tablet

19. “The emergent paradigm is saying that consciousness is an epiphenomenon…” (0:53)

The difference between the Theory of Process and the so-called emergent paradigm. The EP is saying that consciousness is a later development, emerging from molecular activity. TOP says that consciousness is there in the first place.
Emergent Paradigm, Consciousness, Epiphonomena

20. “In physics there isn’t any away…” (2:47)

Heisenberg and Goedel. Letter to Heisenberg regarding the photon as ultimate uncertainty. Goedel showed the incompleteness of logic. TOP is a rationalization, but it is one that accepts uncertainty as the generating principle.
Uncertainty, Physics, Photon, Logic, Goedel, Heisenberg

21. “How do you explain precognitive dreams if the future is undetermined…?” (1:34)

It’s not the future that is undetermined, it’s the past. Precognition is inherently vague.
Precognition, Pre-Determination, Mark E. Jones, Dreams

22. “If I’m going to use fourness to apply to logic, what are the four…?” (3:46)

Fourness as applied to logic – true-false, consistent-inconsistent. The positive sides of falsehood and inconsistency.
Fourfold, Logic, First Cause

23. “In order to emphasize these differences it makes it seem as though I’ve separated the world into pieces…” (0:28)

In applying the fourness, I’m talking about the roots. The root is part of the tree.

24. “You refer to ESP as something characteristic of primitive man…?” (1:02)

We have to learn how to do without the ESP of level two. After we’ve learned from the world we can get it back.
ESP, Evolution

25. “I’d like to show you another example of fourness…” (4:52)

Television as an example of the fourfold.
Fourfold, Television

26. “I’d like to show you another interesting fourness – it’s rather one of the stranger one…” (6:15)

The problem of making a map of London on a city block of London as an example of fourfold analysis.
Fourfold, Map

27. “We’re out in wonderland and we can take all sorts of side trips…” (2:25)

The resolving power of the mind. The basis of the Geometry of Meaning in division by different powers.
Fourness, Division, Limits of Rationality

28. “Now there’s something quite interesting. Remember I’m always interested in sevens…” (5:08)*

Six circles fit perfectly around a seventh – the seventh is implied, gratis. The Chymical Wedding show this. All analysis is surfacial, and the sevenfold is a “superficial” view.

Seven-ness, Circles, Analysis, Surfaciality

29. “We said this was like the point…” (3:18)*

The dimensional equivalents of the levels. Beginning with a point, then two, three, etc. The right side of the arc requires higher dimensions.

Point-Line-Plane-Solid, Dimension, Stages

30. “I can proceed with this program by taking five points and joining those…” (4:59)*

The figure formed by five points connected by lines of equal length contains internal stress. A seed may look no different than a rock but it contains internal stress—stored energy that is necessary for life. The sixth point yields two more diagonals that are stressed, having to do with movement of animals.

Dimension, Stages, Life Principle, Negentropy

31. “This whole question of dimension as a way to escape…” (2:16)

Dimensions are constraints. Further dimensions are internal, used in a different way. This is born out by Einstein’s formula for interval, showing that time is an imaginary dimension.
Dimension, Constraint, Freedom, Interval, Time

32. “I can spin out these fantasies and you can bear with me or not…” (2:02)

The inherently different nature of the levels. The four elements as different aspects of existence, the gods of the four directions.
Four Elements, Aspects

33. “Now the fourness comes about…” (1:39)*

The fourness relating to a viewer and the object. But the viewer is not an object – and can’t see itself.

Self & Object, Objectivity, Photon

34. “I noticed when I was halfway into the book that these stages didn’t fit together as a chain…” (0:56)

The even numbered kingdoms recapitulate the steps of of the odd numbered stages.
Stages, Kingdoms, Recapitulation

35. “I hadn’t intended to put these in any order…” (6:50)

The Chemical kingdom. Types of chemicals arranged according to the stages of the arc.
Chemicals, The Arc, Stages

36. “Here’s a picture of a salt…” (2:17)

Salts as an example of the 2nd stage principle of attraction. Methane series (3rd stage) uses a different type of bond.
Chemical Bonds, Attraction, Separation

37. “It goes from simple to compound…” (3:08)

The 1-1-2 principle and arc-symmetry in the chemical kingdom.
Arc, Repetition, Symmetry, Properties, Molecules, Chemical Bonds

38. “DNA of course is mind-boggling…” (1:18)

DNA is only one shape – it’s the content that counts. Proteins, like animals, come in many shapes.
DNA, Symmetry, 7th Stage

39. “It’s very clear that the DNA rungs each contain 7 units…” (2:38)

DNA is sevenfold, proteins are sixfold and polymers are fivefold. The chemical stages are numerological in nature.
The Arc, DNA, Numerology, Chemicals

40. “You recall that I said earlier…” (0:47)

Man in general in his kingdom corresponds to the clam in the animal kingdom.
Man, Kingdoms

41. “You know Jung wanted everyone to develop [the functions] evenly…” (2:45)*

Difference between Jung and Brunler. Jung said we should develop our functions all at once. Brunler said they needed to be developed one at a time. How we can overcome the limitations of our intellect. The Medusa as a model of the intellect.

Carl Jung, Oscar Brunler, Personal Development, Intellect

42. “What’s the difference between these two objects…” (1:33)

The difference between the sphere and the torus. One circulation in the sphere, two circulations in the torus. The additional circulation makes the Turn possible.
Torus, Sphere, The Turn

43. “We started with the point which is zero dimensions…” (3:47)

How the additional circularity of the torus allows for the rebirth of the freedom of the first stage in the fourth stage – the Virgin Birth. The dung beetle as a symbol for rebirth. Virgin Birth as first cause.
Dimension, Timing, Virgin Birth, First Cause

44. “One time I was going to call the book…” (2:07)

Original subtitle of the book. The Turn as an inversion of time. Thinking – inference – is an inversion of cause and effect.
Time, Inference, Causality, The Turn

45. “Is there a way to explain in an individual’s life what it looks like when they’re at the Turn…” (2:03)

The turn has to be done by oneself. Therapy can lay the groundwork.
The Turn, Polarity, Virgin Birth

46. “I remember reading Joseph Campbell…” (0:38)

The myths aren’t derived from one another. Rather they all reflect the same internal dynamic of Process.
Myth, Joseph Campbell, Virgin Birth

47. “I want to illustrate position, velocity and acceleration…” (6:06)

Using a pendulum to illustrate phases of the cycle – position, acceleration, velocity and control. Control is the rate of change of acceleration. It is control that provides for free will.

Measure Formulae, Physics, Cycle of Action, Control, Derivatives, Calculus, Free Will

48. “You recognize position through your vision…” (2:18)

Jung’s functions as they relate to the concepts of physics. You sense position, calculate velocity, feel acceleration.
Measure Formulae, Four Functions, Physics, Jung

49. “Acceleration is the result of slowing the car down…” (3:02)

Force is at right angles to acceleration. The moon is always falling towards the Earth. Angular momentum is the way that an electron – or an individual – can escape to a higher state.
Acceleration, Force, Angular Momentum, Electron

50. “Angular momentum is what the photon IS, rather than has…” (4:27)

The photon is what makes everything happen. It’s not energy that counts, it’s action. Momentum of light depends on the “radius.” Introduction to the formula for angular momentum.
Photon, Angular Momentum, Action, Quantum

51. “Is there any confusion about what I’ve got here…” (3:56)

The formula for angular momentum represents the whole. Ways to break the cosmic goose egg, ML2/T.
Mass/Length/Time, Physics, Unity

52. “I want to make one final plea for action…” (1:13)*

Action is the thread that strings through the chain of being. The quantum of action is the monad that evolves.

Quantum of Action, Evolution
View Day One of the Theory of Process Seminar


The Yoga of Thinking: Arthur M. Young Video Archive is a project of Anodos Foundation. All video material is copyrighted by Hypersphere and is licensed to Anodos for this Archive.

  • Producer: Arthur Bloch
  • Principle camerawork: Mike Shedlin
  • Additional camerawork: Randy Elliott